The Magical Mind: Placebos Baffle Scientists

Researchers are perplexed by recent studies that have placebos performing very well compared to new and experimental pharmaceuticals. Meanwhile the science of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is echoing what mystics and shaman have been saying forever… we have untold powers to heal ourselves! What Makes the US Different? The placebo effect is exploding in the United […]

Adjust Your Neurochemistry with MUSIC

Silence is golden but everyone needs a soundtrack to power their lives! There are many mindfulness practices to stimulate inner awareness, increase health, and elevate our mood but there’s is nothing quite like cranking up the tunes and throwing down with friends. If you aren’t quite ready for a full on dance […]

Art Can Heal Cultural Wounds

Colonialism, imperialism, immigration, class warfare, and racism have plagued humanity for generations. We see discussions of these problems on our internet feed, yet we rarely see solutions being offered to address these historical wounds. Waking up to present-day atrocities can be overwhelming, but awareness and social action will help us […]

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