An exciting collaboration between Dennis The Red, Academy of Art University, and Culture Collective, Teddy The Traveler is a children’s travel show. Each week Teddy, (a puppet bear) and Miss Tickle The Mouse travel to a different country to discover the landscape and people through a timeless story from that culture. Teddy and the children who join along will also learn about themselves on the journey.
The first episode brings Teddy and Miss Tickle to India, where they explore, showing children this fascinating culture by visiting festivals and historic monuments. They will meet local Indian children who dance and sing traditional songs! Teddy also teaches about wildlife and the environment from the Chennai Crocodile Bank. On their adventure, through twists and turns and madcap monkeys, they learn to accept differences in others after hearing the story “What Happened To The Reptiles?” from award winning Indian author Zai Whitaker.
Project Needs: We are planning a trip to India to finish filming the first episode, 80% of the program is finished, we’ll be needing to make industry contacts to shop the whole series, we’ll be needing help with publicity/marketing, and we are in a state of continual fund-raising.
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