How to Boost your Happiness Naturally
Dopamine is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter in our brains associated with pleasure, addiction, and reward
Dopamine is a naturally occurring neurotransmitter in our brains associated with pleasure, addiction, and reward
Understanding the Cocktail of Chemicals that Fuel our Consciousness: As we dive into the complex and beautiful neurochemical cocktail that fuels our brains, serotonin is a bit of an enigma. Research shows that serotonin plays an important role in regulating mood, appetite, sleep, and dreaming. It can have both a sedating or stimulating effect and this is somehow related Read more…
When many become one, what is the self? We are much more than we realize! There are communities of living organisms sharing your body. A basic understanding of the Human Microbiome can change the way we think of ourselves. Let’s delve into the miracle of life that each of us Read more…
You might be surprised to learn what scientific research says about how art affects the brain. Long before modern neuroscience, artists were creating works to inspire people and today complex brain imaging scans can show us just how art changes the physiology of our brains. Contemplation, observing, and taking in beauty Read more…
Researchers are perplexed by recent studies that have placebos performing very well compared to new and experimental pharmaceuticals. Meanwhile the science of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is echoing what mystics and shaman have been saying forever… we have untold powers to heal ourselves! What Makes the US Different? The placebo effect is exploding in the United Read more…
Collaborating with nature and natural systems is how all life-forms have evolved on this planet, yet somehow humans seem to have forgotten. First proposed by James Lovelock, The Gaia Hypothesis is the idea that our planet as a whole is a self-regulating complex system that contributes to maintaining the conditions Read more…
A Bioneer is a pioneer for the environment, one who celebrates, honors, and collaborates with the connected web of life that we are part of. The term was coined by the founders of a popular annual conference called Bioneers that takes place each fall in the Bay Area. This year Read more…
Many people are overwhelmed and filled with anxiety about climate change, others are still on the fence whether it is human-caused (anthropogenic). One thing is certain, hysteria, polarization, and fighting with your family about who is at fault is not gonna make anything better. The fact remains that humans are Read more…
Have you ever had an unexplained fear or deja-vu when visiting a new place, or met someone who felt strangely familiar the first time you met them? Reincarnation is an idea that has existed around the world forever yet many are still quick to dismiss it. Recent documented cases have Read more…
The psychological benefits of choosing love in the face of fear are profound. Especially so during times of darkness and division. This can be applied in our personal lives, but it can ripple outward and transform the community of people around us. Love is both vulnerability and the most powerful Read more…